Summer Men’s Fashion Trends for Business Wear
Summer business wear is designed to look professional and neat, all while keeping you cool at the office or out in the field. This year’s summer fashion trends represent a mix of colors and styles that offer all of the best in comfort, coolness, and aesthetic appeal.
The Color
Everyone knows that wearing black is a bad idea during the summer months. It traps heat and makes you feel very uncomfortable. Besides, who wants to sweat under a nice suit coat and ruin a perfectly good dress shirt? White is a great choice for reflecting light and therefore heat, and it’s an ideal dress shirt for the office. This summer, it’s all about gray business suits. Gray is the perfect color for remaining professional, all while preventing the body heat that black can cause. Paired it with a white dress shirt and tie if you want to be all business, or choose a dress shirt in a primary color with an open neck and no tie for business casual. Check out the Lawrence Hunt white dress shirts, or Cass which goes great with a Gray suit.
Brightly-Colored Ties
Although it may not be office appropriate to dress in a brightly-colored suit, you can still throw in a pop of color with an amazing tie. Purple is especially hot this summer, particularly when you aim for a large print that is barely noticeable – such as purple-on-purple paisley. Green is also a big hit this year, and you can even go with small white pinstripes or polka dots if you’re into bolder patterns. Shy away from more than one bold color in your tie, however; this is often viewed as more professional than playful.
The Checkered Dress Shirt
The checkered dress shirt is back for summer 2016 in a big way, and it comes in a variety of colors that will allow you to express your personality. Some of the most popular include blue and white, red and white, and even green and white, but you can find many options that use more than two colors in a completely professional way, as well. The best part is that you can go from professional to casual in three simple steps: just remove your jacket and tie, unbutton your collar, and roll up your sleeves to the elbows. Our Brush and Cass shirts are the perfect checkered dress shirt. Go Brush if you are looking for just the two color check; Cass gives you multi-color and pairs with various ties.
Breathable Materials
One of the best ways to beat the heat when you’re wearing business attire is to choose materials that are breathable and that wick moisture away from your body. 100% all-natural cotton is one of the absolute best choices, but it’s even better when it contains performance materials that keep odors at bay and instantly remove the moisture from your body. Cotton is also stretchable, which means it will move with you rather than against you.
Men’s business wear for summer is all about classic style and fit, but you’ll likely notice some changes in the way men wear colors this year. Bold colors are big, and you’ll want to find suits in several shades of gray to help keep you cool and comfortable throughout the day, too. Choose dress shirts in breathable materials and checkered patterns, and your wardrobe is complete.
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